Friday, May 23, 2008

Random thoughts

If you talk to any of my friends, the will agree with the title, I do have several random thoughts, mostly occurring right in the middle of a conversation, talk about getting sidetracked. As they most often say, "something shiny went by and I got distracted".
But on a technological level, there is one site I enjoy, if only because it would have items that would distract someone, along with items that can be used for a worthy purpose. Some of you may have already heard of the website, they do have the most fascinating items there, and someday I may actually order something. LOL.

Another Friday

I realize I have been lapse in posting, but working during the week does that to a person.
Not that I comlain to much, I do like my job, who would have thought that a person like myself who used to spend money in bookstores on a weekly basis, would end up in a job where all the books come free, and not only that but DVD's. :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Later that same day

Yes, it's later on a Friday, the urge to have the day off has passed, as I now contemplate what my weekend will hold for me.

So far, just some cooking for friends, along with some cheap sunglass shopping and getting cell phone accessories. I know, such the exciting life my world is so far.

As usual on a Sunday will be my teams softball games, I can only hope it will be a nice day. Plenty of sunscreen for everyone. :)

Musings on a Friday

I have noticed on a Friday, myself included, that there is always that urge to take a Friday off. But, yet all who share the same feeling the majority never give into that urge and take the day off.
I know, due to past experience, if I did take the day off, I wouldn't spend it sitting idly by, I'd be doing chores around the house. Laundry always seems to be there, along with cleaning the kitchen, the bathrooms, and if enough energy left over, dragging the big vacuum out of it's hiding place, and actually cleaning out my car of any debris left in there from driving with the windows down.