Friday, May 16, 2008

Later that same day

Yes, it's later on a Friday, the urge to have the day off has passed, as I now contemplate what my weekend will hold for me.

So far, just some cooking for friends, along with some cheap sunglass shopping and getting cell phone accessories. I know, such the exciting life my world is so far.

As usual on a Sunday will be my teams softball games, I can only hope it will be a nice day. Plenty of sunscreen for everyone. :)


Bunny said...

Just make sure you don't drink beer while keeping score. Stay focused!

I got 99 problems web 2.0 ain't one said...

I think that is part of how he keeps score

Bench Guy said...

Now as the good bunny should know, I don't drink beer while keeping score. Bunny should TALK about drinking while on the field. :)